Competition Rules, Divisions, & Awards
To enter all competitions: click here
Print Division
Monochrome – Any subject (No accent color)
Color – Any subject
Nature – See Nature Rules
Photojournalism (PJ) – See PJ Rules
Photo Travel (PT)– See PT Rules
Print must not exceed 16″x20″ for advanced classes or 8″x12″ for beginning classes
Assigned Competition – Assignments are chosen by the board and announced July 1st with the competition held in March Monochrome and Color classes. All photos, and all portions of composited photos, must have been taken on or after July 1st of that club year.
Projected Image (Digital) Divisions
Monochrome – Any subject (No accent color)
Color – Any subject, any technique
Nature – See Nature Rules
Photojournalism (PJ) – See PJ Rules
Photo Travel (PT) – See PT Rules
Altered Reality – Images of any subject that have been obviously manipulated
Images must not exceed 1920px x 1080px, longest side.
File names can be 35 characters long (including spaces).
File size up to 2MB.
Assigned Competition – Assignments are chosen by the board and announced July 1st with the competition held in March Monochrome and Color classes. All photos, and all portions of composited photos, must have been taken on or after July 1st of that club year.
Class A – Advanced, professional photographers, and PSA Star Exhibitors compete in this class.
Class B – Is for beginners, new members, and those who compete less often.
Competition Classes – A member, by notifying the Board, may move up to a higher Competition Class. A member may also request reclassification by the Board to move to a lower Class. Members will be notified at the beginning of the Club year if the Board feels they should move to a higher class for the next year’s competition. The Executive Board will resolve any disputes regarding classifications.
Any member may submit a maximum of two prints in any competition Division. A member cannot enter Class A and Class B in the same Division
Projected Images
Any member may submit a maximum of two digital images in any competition Division. A member cannot enter Class A and Class B in the same Division.
Competition Nights
Print Competition and Digital Competition is usually the first meeting of each month
All entries must be submitted before midnight the previous Sunday to the Competition.
In all Divisions, there are a total number of ten (10) competition nights. The maximum number of competition nights allowed a member can enter, and not lose points, is eight (8). If eight (8) nights are exceeded, the penalty is the loss of the highest point score for a previously entered competition. The Minimum number of nights required to enter to be eligible for year-end awards is three (3).
Competition Night for Members Joining during the last 5 months
In all Divisions, there are a total number of five (5) competition nights, January – May. The Minimum number of nights required to enter to be eligible for year-end awards is three (2).
Awards will be based on cumulative scores for the 5-month competition nights.
General Rules
- No member shall be eligible to enter any competition judged by a member of his or her immediate family.
- If a member judges twice in a specific competition in the current club year, that member will be permitted to enter a double entry in the same division judged on another competition night. The member will let the Competition Chairman know they are entering a double entry.
- Any Print or Projected Image entered in club competition may be re-entered one time, if the entry placed lower than 3rd place. The member will let the Competition Chairman know they are entering a previously entered entry.
- Projected Images previously entered and placed in previous competition divisions: Color and Monochrome Projected. may not be entered in the new competition divisions: Open Color and/or Open Monochrome.
- Monochrome images shall not contain an accent color. An image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color (i.e. contains only shades of grey which can include pure black and pure white) OR it gives the impression of being a greyscale image that has been toned in one color across the entire image. (For example, by Sepia, red, gold, etc.) A greyscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi toning, or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the definition of monochrome and shall be classified as a Color Work.
- Image Titles Each different image you enter in the club competition must have a unique title. A projected image and a print of the same image must have the same title. A color version of data capture and a monochrome version of the same data capture club is considered to be the same image and both versions must be given the same title. (Note: Titles such as “Utah landscape” and “Utah landscape BW” are NOT the same – both versions of that image should be called “Utah landscape”.
- Nature and Photojournalism are considered separate divisions. Any print or digital image that has been entered in Nature or Photojournalism competition may also be entered in Pictorial competition and vice versa. NOTE the naming convention above.
- All Images entered during the club year are eligible for entry in the End of the Year Competition in the same division as entered, regardless of how the images placed.
The following points apply to all competitions in Prints and Projected Images. Competitors with the highest points for the year in each class of competition will receive an appropriate award. The same scores given by the judges will be considered ties and each will receive the same number of points. Points earned in one class may not be transferred to another class.
1st Place – 5 points
2nd Place – 4 points
3rd Place – 3 points
Honorable Mention – 2 points
All other entries – 1 point
Disqualifications – 0 points
Prints or Digital Images awarded the same score by the judges will be considered ties and each will receive the same number of points. Points earned in one class may not be transferred to another class.
Judges will be selected by the Second Vice President. Each member is expected to judge two or more times during the year and is encouraged to find a replacement if unable to judge.
Each time you judge, whether Projected Image (Digital) or Print Division, you are allowed to submit a makeup/double entry in a future competition night for the Division you judged.
If you have not entered a full 8 competitions by the end of April and you judge the May competitions, there is no future competition for you to enter.
Resolution of Disputes
All questions about the interpretation and application of these rules may be referred to the Executive Board by the Competition Committees or by an individual member.
Annual Awards
Club Competition
All entries receive points that count toward the Year-End Awards. Awards are presented for the most points accumulated during the year in each Class of Every Division. If possible, awards are made for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Progress Awards
Awards may be given for the most progress in each Division. The recipients are selected by the Executive Board. Awards in all Divisions may not be awarded each year.
Print and Projected Image End of Year Awards
At the end of the Competition Year, members may submit four prints and four projected images that were previously entered in the competition during the Club year in each Division. Awards are given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, and HM’s as determined by the Board. In Divisions where there are Advanced and Beginning Classes, i.e. Open Projected Advanced and Open Projected Beginning, will be combined into one Division “Open” for End of Year Judging only.
A Print will be chosen for the Print of the Year and a Projected Image will be chosen for Projected Image of the Year from the first place winners at the End of Year Competition. Judging will be conducted by non-members of the Club.
Special Awards
Merit Awards
Given by the Club President in recognition of service to the Club during the year.
Hogan Award
Given to the PSA International Exhibition exhibitor with the most acceptances during the year.
MacArthur Memorial Awards
The highest service award given to a member. The MacArthur Memorial Award was instituted in 1963. It is awarded to the outgoing president of the Club and may also be given, by a vote of the Executive Board, to two other members of the Club who have demonstrated outstanding service.
Charlotte Mansfield Award
The award will be given annually to a Club member in good standing, for black and white PRINT making, in any of the approved Club competition levels. The award is sponsored by Lorraine Caddy and she alone, with recommendations of the Club board, will make the selection, using the following criteria:
The total number of points earned during competition will be considered.
Improvement in print quality throughout the year.
Varied subject matter – i.e. Photojournalism, sports, portrait, nature, still life, animals, etc.
Involvement in Club or PSA activities or other photographic endeavors.
Charlotte was a photographer for most of her adult life – school paper, local newspaper and then after enlisting in the United States Army, Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) she was a military photographer for her entire thirty years – moving from the WAAC to the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) and then the United States Air Force, Women of the Air Force (WAF) as the groups changed. She retired after thirty years of service in 1973 holding the rank of E-8, Senior Master Sergeant. She was the photographer they called on to attend Presidential Inaugurations as the military representative for Hoover & Truman; board a plane to take photos of Pres. Kennedy; photos of groups of General officers or entertainers at shows for the troops during WWII. She worked in photo facilities under the command of General Doolittle & the son of President Eisenhower.Charlotte joined the Oklahoma Camera Club in 1963 and PSA shortly after that and was an active member in both organizations until her death in December 2007. She won many awards; had three stars in Monochrome Prints and one in slides in PSA; competed in international salons all of her active life, even while stationed in Europe where she attended Photokina to enhance her knowledge; Quartz Mt. Lodge photo seminars with published photographers. She taught photography at a local Junior College (Rose State College) and at the University of Central Oklahoma. She completed a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1942, a Bachelor of Education in 1981, and a Master Degree in Education in 1983.
Her photographic interest was varied with some emphasis on Photo Journalism & sports. Charlotte never believed in Digital photography and the use of a computer to enhance a photograph – she was a traditionalist and all her work was done in a photo lab and with film. She loved the Oklahoma Camera Club and especially their support of youth photography. She always felt young people were the future of the Oklahoma Camera Club.