Eclipse 2024 – Ward Conaway


We stopped at a convenience store in Hugh and joined a group who were waiting for the action.  A guy in the red hat, reading a book is Brad Smith.  Neither of us coordinated this trip.  A serendipitous event!   We’re patiently watiting, inspit of the heavy cloud cover.

Eclipse during totality.  T = 1/50 sec, A = f5.6, ISO = 12,800.  Canon R5 w/ Canon EF100-400 mm L lens at 400 mm.  Shot through a solar filter.

Totality ending.  Taken through high, thin clouds.  T = 1/250 sec, A = f5.6, ISO = 16,000.  Canon R5 w/ Canon EF100-400 mm L lens at 400 mm.  Shot through a solar filter.

Two ways to photograph the eclipse.  Shot with an iPhone 13.  Metadata not available.